Thursday, September 9, 2010

7 Question Thursday

1. Whats something you miss? I recently sold my car maybe about a month or 2 ago.. I MISS MY CAR! I am carless, and It stinks! :(

2. If you could make your lips bigger would you? I would make my lips just a little bigger maybe not as big as Angelina Jolie's lips but just a little.

3. Does someone tuck you in bed at night or text you goodnight everynight? Zac use to text me goodnight when we were dating :) Now we just both get in bed at night.

4. Do you have a favorite sibling? I do but that would be mean to say there name on here!! I know its not very nice to have favorites but sometimes you just get along with different siblings.

5. What does the last text message say on your phone? "I feel better".

6. Whats the compliment that you recieve the most? I don't get much compliments but Nayvee sure does.." OH SHE IS A DOLL", HOW CUTE IS SHE?" , " I JUST WANT TO EAT HER CHEEKS". :)

7. Are you looks important to you? How longdoes it take you to get ready? Looks are important. I think they are to everyone. It probably takes me 20 mins.. Unless If my hair is wet then it takes me probably an hour and a half.


Romanian Princess said...

Loves It! Thanks for participating, did you link up?

Bree said...

Your welcome.. I didn;t link up? whats that